
Milk Bottle Cap Liner


Convertacor’s Heat Induction and EPE liners offer a solution for regulatory compliance and end-user demands in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and healthcare industries.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and healthcare industries, packaging must adhere to strict regulatory standards and meet the high demands of end users. Convertacor’s closure liners and heat induction liners are essential components in ensuring the safety, integrity, and compliance of pharmaceutical products.

Why Choose Convertacor’s Closure Liners and Heat Induction Liners?

Hermetic Seals for Product Safety: Convertacor’s heat induction and EPE liners provide a hermetic seal that is crucial for keeping pharmaceutical products free from moisture and contamination. This seal helps maintain the efficacy and safety of medications, supplements, and healthcare products.

Tamper Evidence: One of the key features of our heat induction liners is the provision of tamper evidence. This is vital in the pharmaceutical industry, where the integrity of the product must be assured to protect consumers and maintain trust. The tamper-evident seal ensures that any unauthorized access to the product is immediately noticeable.

Regulatory Approval: Our liners are approved by the Medicines Control Council (MCC), ensuring they meet the stringent regulatory requirements for pharmaceutical packaging. This approval guarantees that our products are suitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry and comply with all necessary safety standards.

Trusted by Leading Global Brands

Convertacor is a trusted supplier to leading global pharmaceutical companies. Our commitment to quality and compliance has earned us the trust of some of the most prominent brands in the industry.

Additional Benefits

Food Grade Quality: Our liners are food grade approved, making them safe for use with consumable products. This ensures that our liners can be used in a wide range of applications within the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries.

Global Supply Chain: We supply our high-quality liners to pharmaceutical companies worldwide, supporting their packaging needs with reliable and compliant solutions.

By choosing Convertacor’s closure liners and heat induction liners for your pharmaceutical packaging needs, you are ensuring regulatory compliance, product safety, and consumer trust. Our advanced packaging solutions provide hermetic seals, tamper evidence, and protection from moisture and contamination, making them the ideal choice for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and healthcare industries. Trust Convertacor to deliver high-quality, safe, and reliable packaging for your products.

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