Closure Liner Solutions For All Applications
Convertacor is the Leading Closure Liner Manufacturer in South Africa

About Us


Convertacor started in 1983 as a very small company making self adhesive sealing strips and packaging tapes. By the end of that year the founder had noticed the need for supply and inserting of cap and closure liners. From there on the company fully concentrated and dedicated all efforts to that field.

As packaging technology developed we pioneered the cap liner industry in South Africa. We were – and still are – unique in offering wadding (liner inserting) services to our customers. This is not a norm in the industry as the wadding is generally done in-house by the cap producer, but we see this as a key value-adding service for our customers.

This is one of the unique services that helped build Convertacor into what it is today – the leading closure liner manufacturer in South Africa. We supply most house-hold brands in South Africa, serving all sizes of companies from startup businesses to multinationals. We believe in developing long-term relationships with our customers and are still supplying many of the companies we supplied when we were starting out over 40 years ago!

Our core markets are South Africa and Southern Africa and we also supply globally.

Convertacor is always looking ahead in keeping up-to-date with global trends and technologies which we bring to our local market.

Continuos improvements

And we strive to get better all the time…

A core part of our business is ongoing innovation and development of new products. We upgrade and replace our equipment on a regular basis to ensure we have top of the range manufacturing techniques, producing world-class products which meet the most stringent international safety regulations.

Our current product range includes EPE foam, Induction Heat Seal, Pressure Sensitive (cap) liners, conduction lidding and lidding films.

We offer the machinery required for sealing induction (cap) liners and conduction films and are the agents in South Africa for Electronic Devices Induction machines.

We are ISO 9001:2015 accredited so you can be sure our products comply with the most stringent international packaging regulations and standards.

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